MCR Blackcab Ltd Setting the Standards

MCR Blackcab Ltd © Copyright 2020    Terms and conditions



Use of bus/taxi lanes makes us quicker than you expected.

Airport Tranfers Taxi Aid Links

Airport Transfers

Quotes available for a variety of airports.

Taxi Aid

Our drivers vote and decide who to help in the coming year

Links Page

Links to more information that is hackney trade related

Corporate account

Corporate Accounts

Contact us for a free no obligation quote. and details

Weddings City Tours Home to School


Give us brief details and receive a quote for your special day

City Tours

Book a tour of Manchester from £42 an hour

Home to School

Cab-Club can save you money on school & college travel

If you require any further help please do not hesitate to Contact Ian or Michelle.

We have many years of personal experience as Manchester Hackney and Private Hire taxi drivers.


Please click the service you are interested in, you could be very surprised to how low the cost would be.