MCR Blackcab Ltd Setting the Standards

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Home to School/College

We are one of the approved contractors for home to school transport with Manchester City Council and neighbouring cities. Join the cab-club and share the cost of travelling to school or college

Steven is a wheelchair user and lives in Wythenshawe and attends Loreto college in Hulme he travels daily 9 am and 4 pm to and from college at a cost of £15 per journey.

Paul lives in Withington and travels to Heron House in Albert Sq daily on his work experience at a cost of £8 per journey, he too starts at 9 am and finishes at 3.45pm we introduce them to each other in our cab-club and they now share the cost

The more students we can accommodate like this, means the percentage of the cost drops for each student along with the added bonus of using only one vehicle, which in turn cuts down on fuel and emissions and helps our carbon footprint in the City of Manchester.
